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Massachusetts Catholic Conference's Bishops' Statements PDF Print E-mail

Catholic Citizenship informs clergy, religious and laity about public policy issues and their affect on our society's common good.  Some concrete ways that we educate and mobilize concerned citizens are: Lobby Days on Beacon Hill, assist with local ballot referendums, and host lobby trainings at parishes.  Our mission is to promote authentic Catholic Social Teaching in the public square, as promulgated by the Magisterium. Our Bishops remind us that "responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation." When law makers write bills that will impact the common good, it is the laity's duty to act.  We have a unique opportunity as citizens of a Constitutional Republic to elect our law makers.

Candidate Position Papers highlight where candidates stand on Marriage, the Right to Life, Taxes, and Parental Rights.  The Roman Catholic Bishops of Massachusetts have spoken out on most of the issues presented in the papers.  Below is a list of statements made by our local bishops, which relate to question that appear in Catholic Citizenship's Candidate Position Papers.

Question 1 of the position paper asks if the candidate would support a future marriage ammendment. Here is the Bishop's statement after the June Constitutional Convention: http://www.macatholic.org/sites/macatholic.org/files/assets/07-Bishops%20Statement%20Marriage%20Amendment%20June%2014.pdf 

Questions 2 asks about support to repeal the Transgender law. Here is M.C.C.'s testimony delivered in June 2011: http://www.macatholic.org/sites/macatholic.org/files/assets/11-TestimonyDriscollTransgenderBillJune8FINAL.pdf

M.C.C.'s testimony on public accommodations in July 2013: http://www.macatholic.org/sites/macatholic.org/files/assets/Transgender%20and%20Public%20Access%207.9.pdf

Question 3 asks about defunding embryonic stem cell research. Here is the Bishops response http://www.macatholic.org/sites/macatholic.org/files/assets/07-Bishops%20Statement%20Response%20To%20Governor%20on%20Stem%20Cell%20Research%2004-03.pdf

Bishop McManus' May 2007 statement on Embryonic Stem Cells: http://www.macatholic.org/sites/macatholic.org/files/assets/07-Bishops%20Statement%20McManus%20Embryo%20Stem%20Cell%20Statement%20May%2010.pdf

Question 6 asks about support for Laura's Law. Here is a statement from the M.C.C. http://www.macatholic.org/sites/macatholic.org/files/assets/Woman%27s%20Right%20to%20Know%207.9.13.pdf

Question 7 asks about opposition to Physician Assisted Suicide. Here is a statement from the M.C.C.

Reference from the M.C.C. regarding the Framework: http://www.macatholic.org/frameworks