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Parish Policy Advocate PDF Print E-mail

Do you have 15 minutes a week to help ensure your fellow Catholics are well informed citizens on vital issues to us all? Then you can be a Public Policy Advocate (PPA) for your parish. It's easy. Working with your local parish priest, you can help distribute information provided by Catholic Citizenship (via e-mail) for your parish bulletin or handouts.


 Essentials for a successful PPA:

  • Have access to e-mail on a semi-regular basis.

  • Be able to periodically distribute materials and enlist help of others.

  • Know some public policy issues and Church teaching.

  • Possess solid organization and communication skills.

  • Have strong relationships with your pastor and parish community.

  • Key Responsibilities of a parish PPA:

  • Work with your Diocesan Field Director to inform your community about upcoming events and issues. 

  • Provide feedback from parish community and insight into your town's government and issues.

  • Encourage participation in Catholic Citizenship in the parish. 

       Sign up Today
